Maandelijks archief: februari 2016

A change is gonna come!!

Jeroen Bosch en het 'Het Laatste Oordeel' Middenpaneel. 2016

As hunger’s knocking on your doors again


As hunger’s knocking on your door again

Your crazy world is going down in pain

You always felt superior, with your blue eyes and white skin

You’re lacking civil modesty, living your life of sin

But now the dice are cast and you are out

Your mind besieged by anger and by doubt

When the chips are down so your swindle is exposed

You try to hide your crimes but in the end you lose the most

Rivers overflowing, hurricanes and droughts

Greenhouse gas and climate change

and nature’s acting out

The white man’s burden’s always been a lie

you exploit, you rule, you justify

and now your reign is ending, the whole world is on fire

western rule is crumbling while flames are getting higher

As hunger’s knocking on your door once more

With a wild and wicked hate for you in store

You still think you’re superior, but doubt is cropping up

Your arrogance is waning and you’re running out of luck

Rivers overflowing, hurricanes and droughts

Greenhouse gas and climate change

and nature’s acting out.



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